What is with the GOP ? Is the leadership tonedeaf.
More like suicidal.
Clearly, the "Masters of the Universe" in both parties have finally given up even pretending to listen to the American people. They know best, and we ignorant sheep need to get over our antiquated notions of patriotism and national sovereignty.
"What is with the GOP ? Is the leadership tonedeaf."
I think the party leadership is ducking their heads in the war between Bush's radical policy and the public.
Bush wants this wage depression/sovreignty bill like nothing else I've seen. The ooze of lobbyists like Norquist ganged up with Bolten and Rove to push this - is Bush being duped? No, IMO. When he uses code words like "growth" for wage depression and impoverishment of middle and lower classes, he knows what he's doing. The ethnic attachment to Mexicans is just a cover to keep guilty liberals from asking questions.
I thnk the leadeship is not tone deaf....the
Wilson hard line in California did nothing for the
solving of the problem, only annihilation of the
Republican party, and giving us the likes of Boxer and
Feinstein. Why is Tancredo right and the approach
by Bush wrong? There are ways for prudent and smart
politicians to solve this and it isn't the Colorado
way?????????? Jake