Consider what you are saying: You believe Dana Milbank more than you believe a fellow freeper, who both had face to face conversations with Michael Steele.
That is a significant post. We all generally are so skeptical of the DBM, but then, occasionally, all of us will fall victim to what Rush calls "the bubble." With the revelations that are starting to come out sparked by the Adnan Hajj fauxtogrophy scandal we have to begin to assume that every statement coming out of the DBM is a lie and wait for proof that it isn't, not the other way around.
Right now I'm far more inclined to trust a freeper, once I've experienced their work, or a blogger (many on the right... but even some on the left) to get the facts straight and not outright lie than I am willing to trust one of the "main stream media." We may be witnessing the death of an institution that has been part of our society for several hundred years.
We are on the border between one world and another. There is always great risk in such things.
"Borders are always unchancy places"
(from Wizardry Compiled, by IEEE Fellow Rick Cook
a free ebook download at Baen.COM library)