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To: AmericanInTokyo
Well I'll be darned. It worked! Now, most noble snowislander, how did you get it from the characters to that odd string of code during the post-up, and then back to Chinese characters so they would display correctly on FR??

I used Jim Breen's excellent WWWJDIC.

There's a romaji entry option on the right of the search box. I entered the phrase and found the kanji representation. (I then consulted a paper copy of Sanseido's excellent Kanji dictionary to see what it had to say, which is where I found the bit about Chinese.)

From that results page:

Search Key: やろうじだい Options: [G]oogle search, [GI] Google images, [S]anseido dictionary, [A]LC dictionary (Eijiro), [Ex]ample sentences, [V]erb conjugations.

夜 郎自大 【やろうじだい】 (adj-na,n) throwing one's weight around in a small group without knowing one's real worth in a larger world outside [G][GI][S][A]

Select an action from the following and click on:   
New Search Dictionary: Key Type:  Text(J/E) RomajiOptions:  Starting Kanji  Common words  Exact word-match
Examine the kanji in a selected compound (Also click on the compound you wish to examine)
Repeat this search (choose another Dictionary above)

You can then choose the option Examine the kanji in a selected compound (Also click on the compound you wish to examine). From there, you get a nice page with encoding information:

4C6B [4475:96e9] U591c B8 C36 G2 S8 F487 N298 V1129 H2056 DK1301 L1037 K258 O766 DO336 MN5763 MP3.0349 E212 IN471 DS144 DF150 DH232 DT169 DC318 DJ93 DB2.17 DG406 P2-2-6 I2j6.1 Q0024.7 DR467 ZPP3-3-5 ZPP3-4-4 Yye4 Wya ヤ よ よる night; evening SOD
4F3A [4726:9859] U90ce B163 G8 S9 S8 XJ1622Dimage】F569 N4762 V6138 H1289 DK867 L1851 K237 O1145 DO955 MN39405P MP11.0242 E1936 IN980 DC264 DJ546 DG757 P1-6-3 I2d6.5 Q3772.7 DR844 ZSP1-6-2 Ylang2 Ylang4 Wrang ロウ リョウ おとこ T1 いら お とう もん ろ ろお son; counter for sons SOD
3C2B [2811:8ea9] U81ea B132 G2 S6 F19 N3841 V4900 H3525 DK2195 L36 K53 O340 DO60 MN30095 MP9.0403 E134 IN62 DS229 DF242 DH150 DT126 DC14 DJ63 DB2.19 DG1587 P4-6-2 I5c1.1 Q2600.0 DR879 Yzi4 Wja ジ シ みずか.ら おの.ずから おの.ずと T1 より oneself SOD
4267 [3471:91e5] U5927 B37 G1 S3 F7 N1171 V1133 H3416 DK2133 L107 K7 O48 DO32 MN5831 MP3.0367 E53 IN26 DS22 DF40 DH25 DT14 DC5 DJ87 DB2.2 DG408 P4-3-4 I0a3.18 Q4003.0 DR1463 Yda4 Ydai4 Wdae Wda Wtae ダイ タイ おお- おお.きい -おお.いに T1 うふ お おう た たかし とも はじめ ひろ ひろし まさ まさる もと わ large; big SOD

While I didn't need to do most of this in this case (I used a cut and paste that worked fine -- if it hadn't, I probably would have instead used the GIF images of each kanji that you can find at Mr. Breen's website), for lots more information about the various codings of each character, you can then visit the Unihan database which is the first link in each entry.

For instance, here is the Unihan database information about the first character (and the phrase in question is mentioned at the of the Japanese usages):


Grid Index Radical-stroke index (36.4-6)
<<< Previous Next >>>


The Unicode Standard Your Browser

Encoding Forms

Decimal UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-32
22812 E5 A4 9C  591C 0000591C

IRG Sources

G-source T-source H-source J-source K-source KP-source V-source U-source
0-5239 1-4C5F   0-4C6B 0-6528 KP0-F7E2 1-5145  

Mappings to Major Standards


GB 2312 GB 12345 CNS 11643-1986 CNS 11643-1992 CCCII Big Five HK SCS
5025 5025 1-4C5F 1-4C5F 21387E A95D  


JIS X 0208 JIS X 0212 JIS X 0213


KS X 1001:1992 KS X 1002:1991 KPS 9566-97 KPS 10721-2000
6908   F7E2  


EACC Xerox PRC Telegraph ROC Telegraph
21387E 244:100 1123 1123

Dictionary Information

IRG Indices

KangXi Morohashi Dae Jaweon Hanyu Da Zidian
0246.180 05763 0490.070 10285.010

Other Indices

Cowles Fenn Karlgren Nelson Mathews Meyer-Wempe Lau
5176 268A 187 0298 7315 3869 3378

Radical-stroke Counts

Unicode KangXi Japanese Korean Morohashi
36.5 36.5      

Phonetic Data

Cantonese Mandarin Tang Japanese On Japanese Kun Sino-Korean
je6 YE4 *ià YA YO YORU YA

Other Dictionary Data

Definition Total Strokes Phonetic Cangjie
night, dark; in night; by night 8 170 1522 1556 YONK


Simplified Traditional Semantic Specialized Semantic Z
        U+4EB1 ()

Chinese Compounds (drawn largely, but not exclusively, from the CEDICT dictionary file)

晝夜   jau3 ye6 day and night
夜里   ye6 lei5 at night
熬夜 ao2 ye4 ngou4 ye6 stay up late or all night
白夜 bai2 ye4 baak6 ye6 white night
半夜 ban4 ye4 bun3 ye6 midnight; in the middle of the night
半夜三更 ban4 ye4 san1 geng1   in the depth of night; late at night
不夜城 bu2 ye4cheng2   (literally) a city with lights turned on all night--a big city with gay night life
卜晝卜夜 bu3zhou4-bu3 ye4 buk1 jau3 buk1 ye6 day and night; around the clock
不分晝夜 bu4 fen zhou4-ye4   (to work) day and night
徹夜 che4ye4 chit3 ye6 all through the night; from dusk to dawn
初夜權 chuye4quan2 cho1 ye6 kyun4 "jus primae noctis" (the right of a feudal lord to the virginity of a maiden on her; wedding night in medieval Europe)
大年夜 da4nian2ye4 daai6 nin4 ye6 on the night of the lunar new year's eve
寒夜 han2ye4 hon4 ye6 cold night, chilly night
後半夜 hou4ban4ye4 hau6 bun3 ye6 after midnight; the wee hours
即夜 ji2ye4 jik1 ye6 on the very night; within the night; immediately
今夜 今夕 今晚 今宵 jin ye4 jin xi4 jin wan3 jin xiao   tonight
沒日沒夜 mei2ri4-mei2ye4 mut6 yat6 mut6 ye6 day an night
每夜 mei3 ye4 mui5 ye6 nightly
年夜飯 nian2 ye4 fan4 nin4 ye6 faan6 New Year's Eve family dinner
年飯 年夜飯 nian2fan4 nian2ye4fan4   dinner for the whole family on the eve of the lunar new year
年夜 nian2ye4 nin4 ye6 New Year's Eve
前夜 qian2ye4 chin4 ye6 the night before the last
日夜 ri4 ye4 yat6 ye6 day and night; around the clock
三更半夜 sangeng-ban4ye4   late at night (usually after midnight)
上半夜 shang4ban4ye4   before midnight
深夜 shen1 ye4 sam1 ye6 very late at night
守夜 shou3ye4 sau2 ye6 to keep night watch
夙興夜寐 su4xing-ye4mei4   to rise early and sleep late; very diligent
夙夜 su4ye4 suk1 ye6 day and night
夙夜匪懈 su4ye4 fei3xie4   to work diligently day and night
天方夜譚 tian fang ye4 tan2 tin1 fong1 ye6 taam4 "Arabian Nights
屋漏偏遭連夜雨 wu lou4 pian zao lian2 ye4 yu3   (literally) The rain fell throughout the night with the roof already leaking--an added misfortune
午夜 wu3 ye4 ng5 ye6 midnight
戊夜 wu4ye4 mou6 ye6 the pre-dawn hours
下半夜 xia4ban4 ye4   after midnight; wee hours
小夜曲 xiao3 ye4 qu3 siu2 ye6 kuk1 serenade
小年夜 xiao3nian2ye4 siu2 nin4 ye6 the night before lunar New Year's Eve
宵夜 xiaoye4 siu1 ye6 a snack before going to bed
巡夜 xun2ye4 cheun4 ye6 to make nightly patrols; a night-watch
ye4 ye6 night
夜不閉戶 ye4 bu2 bi4hu4   There's no need to close doors at night (a description often used to indicate efficient government administration)
夜間 ye4 jian1 ye6 gaan1 nighttime
夜晚 ye4 wan3 ye6 maan5 night
夜以繼日 ye4 yi3 ji4 ri4   night and day; around the clock; day in and day out
夜鶯 ye4 ying1 ye6 ang1 nightingale
夜班 ye4ban ye6 baan1 night shifts; night work
夜半 ye4ban4 ye6 bun3 midnight
夜(叉) ye4cha   (in Chinese mythology) a monstrous-looking devil
夜長夢多 ye4chang2-meng4duo   (literally) The night is long and dreams many. --There'll be twists and obstacles if a problem or an issue is not settled promptly
夜場 ye4chang3 (chang) ye6 cheung4 night show
夜車 ye4che   night train
夜度資 ye4du4zi ye6 dou6 ji1 money charged by a prostitute for boudoir favors for a night
夜工 ye4gong ye6 gung1 night work
夜光杯 ye4guangbei ye6 gwong1 bui1 a wine glass
夜光錶 ye4guangbiao3 ye6 gwong1 biu1 a watch with luminous markings on the dial
夜合花 ye4he2hua ye6 hap6 fa1 magnolia pumila
夜壺 ye4hu2 ye6 wu4 a chamer-pot
夜間 夜晚 夜(裡) ye4jian ye4wan3 ye4li5   the night; night time
夜間部 ye4jianbu4 ye6 gaan1 bou6 the night department (of a school, college, or university)
夜禁 ye4jin4   night curfew
夜驚 ye4jing ye6 ging1 nocturnal phobia
夜景 ye4jing3 ye6 ging2 night scenes (of a locality)
夜靜 ye4jing4 ye6 jing6 the dead of the night; the still of the night
夜課 ye4ke4 ye6 fo3 night classes
夜來香 ye4lai2xiang ye6 loi4 heung1 the tuberose
夜闌人靜 夜深人靜 ye4lan2-ren2jing4 ye4shen-ren2jing4   (in) the quiet of the late night; deep in the night
夜郎自大 ye4lang2 zi4da4 ye6 long4 ji6 daai6 the megalomania of the king of Yelang who asked the envoy of Han which was bigger--the Han Empire or the tiny state of Yelang--braggadocio; ignorant and boastful
夜涼如水 ye4liang2 ru2 shui3 ye6 leung4 yu4 seui2 the chilling (autumn)night
夜盲症 ye4mang2zheng4   night-blindness, of hemeralopia
夜貓子 ye4maozi5 ye6 maau1 ji2 the owl; a person who enjoys night life
夜明珠 ye4ming2zhu ye6 ming4 jyu1 a pearl that shines at night, a legendary treasure
夜勤 ye4qin2 ye6 kan4 night shift; night work (esp. referring to doctors, policemen, newsmen, etc.)
夜色蒼茫 ye4se4 cangmang2 ye6 sik1 chong1 mong4 twilight at dusk
夜市 ye4shi4 ye6 si5 business activities in night hours; markets devoted to nighttime business
夜襲 ye4xi2 ye6 jaap6 night attack; to launch an attack under the cover of night
夜戲 ye4xi4 ye6 hei3 night show; evening performance
夜校 ye4xiao4   a night school
夜行軍 ye4xing2jun   night march
夜行人 ye4xing2ren2   night traveles; thieves, etc. who move about at night
夜夜 ye4ye4 ye6 ye6 every night; night after night
夤夜 yin2ye4 yan4 ye6 deep in the night
永夜 yong3ye4 wing5 ye6 a long night
子夜 zi3ye4 ji2 ye6 midnight


Japanese Compounds (drawn from the EDICT dictionary file)

お七夜 おしちや name-giving ceremony
暗夜 あにゃ dark night
暗夜 あんや dark night
闇夜 あにゃ dark night
闇夜 あんや dark night
闇夜 やみよ dark night
一昨々夜 いっさくさくや two nights before last
一昨昨夜 いっさくさくや two nights before last
一昨夜 いっさくや night before last
一昼夜 いっちゅうや a whole day and night/24 hours
一日一夜 いちにちいちや all day and night
一夜 いちや one night/all night/overnight/one evening
一夜 ひとや one night/all night/overnight/one evening
一夜 ひとよ one night/all night/overnight/one evening
一夜乞食 いちやこじき a person made homeless by fire
一夜妻 いちやづま temporary consort/prostitute
一夜妻 ひとよづま temporary consort/prostitute
一夜造り いちやずくり built in a night/stopgap/hastily written
一夜大臣 いちやだいじん overnight millionaire
一夜中 いちやじゅう all night through
一夜中 ひとやじゅう all night through
一夜漬け いちやづけ salted just overnight/cramming
乙夜 いつや about 10 p.m.
乙夜 おつや about 10 p.m.
寒夜 かんや cold night
金剛夜叉妙王 こんごうやしゃみょうおう Vajra-yaksa Vidya-raja (Budd.)
月夜 つきよ moonlit night
甲夜 こうや 8 p.m.
今夜 こんや this evening/tonight
昨夜 さくや last night
昨夜 ゆうべ last night
三日三夜 みっかみよ 3 days and 3 nights
七夜 しちや celebration of a child's seventh day
十五夜 じゅうごや night of the full moon/the night of the 15th day of the 8 lunar month
十三夜 じゅうさんや 13th day (of the moon)/the night of he 13th day of 9th lunar month
十六夜 いざよい 16-day-old moon
夙夜 しゅくや from morning till night/day and night/always
初夜 しょや first night/first watch of the night/bridal night
除夜 じょや New Year's Eve
深夜 しんや late at night
真夜中 まよなか dead of night/midnight
星夜 せいや starry night/starlight night
晴夜 せいや clear night
静夜 せいや quiet night
先夜 せんや few nights ago
千一夜 せんいちや Thousand and One Nights
千夜 せんや many nights
前夜 ぜんや last night/the previous night
前夜祭 ぜんやさい Christmas Eve/the eve (of festival)
昼も夜も ひるもよるも day and night
昼夜 ちゅうや day & night
昼夜を舎かず ちゅうやをおかず continuing day and night
昼夜兼行 ちゅうやけんこう around-the-clock/(working) day and night
通夜 つや all-night vigil over a body/a wake
徹夜 てつや all night/all night vigil/sleepless night
同夜 どうや the same night/that night
日夜 にちや day & night/always
白河夜船 しらかわよふね be fast asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one)
白夜 びゃくや white (arctic) night/short night
半夜 はんや midnight
百鬼夜行 ひゃっきやぎょう a veritable pandemonium/a large number of people plotting and doing evil/a scandalous scene
百鬼夜行 ひゃっきやこう a veritable pandemonium/a large number of people plotting and doing evil/a scandalous scene
不夜城 ふやじょう nightless gay quarters/nightless city
よる evening/night
夜々 よよ every evening/night after night
夜々中 よるよなか midnight
夜ごと よごと nightly
夜なべ よなべ night work
夜な夜な よなよな every evening/night after night
夜もすがら よもすがら all night
夜暗 やあん dead of night/shades of night
夜陰 やいん shades of evening/dead of night
夜烏 よがらす night crow
夜雨 やう night rain
夜営 やえい encamping at night
夜伽 よとぎ watching/vigil/watcher
夜稼ぎ よかせぎ night work/burglary
夜会 やかい evening party
夜会結び やかいむすび evening hairdo
夜会服 やかいふく evening dress
夜回り よまわり night watch/night watchman
夜学 やがく evening course/night-school
夜学校 やがっこう night school
夜寒 よさむ night cold/cold night
夜寒 よざむ night cold/cold night
夜間 やかん at night/nighttime
夜間営業 やかんえいぎょう open at night
夜間勤務 やかんきんむ night work
夜間撮影 やかんさつえい night photography
夜間中学 やかんちゅうがく evening middle school
夜間部 やかんぶ night-school season
夜間預金々庫 やかんよきんきんこ night-deposit safe
夜間預金金庫 やかんよきんきんこ night-deposit safe
夜気 やき night air/stillness of night/cool evening
夜汽車 よぎしゃ night train
夜詰め よづめ night watch
夜宮 よみや eve of a festival vigil
夜泣き よなき (vs) crying (of an infant) at night (due to colic)
夜業 やぎょう night work/night shift
夜曲 やきょく nocturne
夜勤 やきん night shift
夜具 やぐ bedding
夜空 よぞら night sky
夜景 やけい night view
夜警 やけい night watchman
夜見の国 よみのくに hades/realm of the dead/the next world
夜見世 よみせ night shop/night fair
夜光 やこう nocturnal luminescence
夜光時計 やこうどけい luminous watch
夜光虫 やこうちゅう phosphorescent animalcule
夜光塗料 やこうとりょう luminous paint
夜攻め よぜめ night attack
夜更かし よふかし staying up late/keeping late hours/sitting up late at night/nighthawk
夜更け よふけ late at night
夜更し よふかし staying up late/keeping late hours/sitting up late at night/nighthawk
夜行 やぎょう walking around at night/night train/night travel
夜行 やこう walking around at night/night train/night travel
夜叉 やしゃ female demon
夜桜 よざくら cherry trees at evening
夜晒 よざらし leaving things exposed outside all night
夜仕事 よしごと night work
夜市 よいち night market
夜襲 やしゅう night attack/nocturnal assault
夜商い よあきない night trading
夜商人 よあきんど night shopkeeper
夜上がり よあがり weather clearing at night
夜色 やしょく shades of night/night scene
夜食 やしょく supper/night meal
夜深い よぶかい (staying) up late at night
夜深け よふけ late at night
夜戦 やせん night warfare
夜船 よふね night boat
夜前 やぜん last night
夜想曲 やそうきょく nocturne
夜鷹 よたか nighthawk/street walker
夜着 よぎ night-clothes/heavy kimono-like quilt
夜中 やちゅう all night/the whole night
夜中 よじゅう all night/the whole night
夜中 よなか midnight/dead of night
夜昼 よるひる day and night
夜長 よなが long night
夜鳥 やちょう nocturnal bird
夜通し よどおし all night
夜釣り よづり night angling
夜店 よみせ night shop/night fair
夜盗 やとう night burglar
夜盗虫 やとうむし cutworm/army worm
夜討ち ようち night attack
夜逃げ よにげ night flight
夜働き よばたらき night work
夜道 よみち street at night/making a night journey
夜凪 よなぎ evening calm
夜尿症 やにょうしょう bed-wetting/enuresis
夜這い よばい night crawling/sneaking visit
夜泊 やはく night mooring
夜半 やはん midnight/dead of night
夜半 よわ midnight/dead of night
夜番 やばん night watch/night sentry
夜番 よばん night watch/night sentry
夜風 よかぜ night wind
夜分 やぶん evening/night/nighttime
夜歩き よあるき walking around at night
夜毎 よごと every night
夜霧 よぎり night fog
夜明かし よあかし staying up all night/all night vigil
夜明け よあけ dawn/daybreak
夜明けの明星 よあけのみょうじょう morning star
夜鳴き よなき crying or singing (of bird, etc.) at night
夜盲症 やもうしょう night blindness
夜目にも明るい よめにもあかるい luminous in the dark
夜夜 よよ every evening/night after night
夜夜中 よるよなか midnight
夜遊び よあそび night amusements
夜来 やらい overnight/since last night
夜嵐 よあらし night storm
夜立ち よだち setting out at night
夜露 よつゆ evening dew/night dew
夜郎自大 やろうじだい throwing one's weight around in a small group without knowing ones' real worth in a larger world outside
夜話 やわ night talks/evening tea parties
夜話 よばなし night talks/evening tea parties
連日連夜 れんじつれんや every day and every night


Other Data

Data type Value
kFourCornerCode 0024.7
kGSR 0800j
kCihaiT 341.401
kGradeLevel 2
kKangXi 0246.180
kFennIndex 621.01
kRSAdobe_Japan1_6 C+3831+8.2.6 C+3831+36.3.5
kHanyuPinlu ye4(799)
kFrequency 3
kVietnamese dạ
kIICore 2.1
kHKGlyph 0831
kMorohashi 05763
kHanYu 10285.010
kDaeJaweon 0490.070
kSBGY 422.55

8 posted on 08/06/2006 8:27:34 AM PDT by snowsislander
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To: snowsislander

Oh man, you are the GREATEST! THanks VERY MUCH!

12 posted on 08/06/2006 8:35:57 AM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (A few clever bones tossed on gay unions, flag burning & Iraq still don't absolve GWB over BORDERS)
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