The vegetables and beans are good for you. Most vegetables (and I don't consider potatos or corn vegetables) have pretty minimal calories compared to the fibre and nutrients they claim, and most legumes are chock full of fibre and protein and low in fat, and fairly low in carbs. White rice and pasta, OTOH, are essentially empty carb calories. Tofu I just don't much care for, so it's irrelevant.
Don't believe the fiber lie. If we were pre-disposed to have a significant fiber intake, we would be able to digest it. I agree that some veggies have some significant nutrients, but only when raw. That is, except for tomatoes. It seems that when they are cooked the beneficial licopene levels increase. (I know it's a fruit.)
A good rule of thumb on beans is that the darker the bean, the better it is for you. I prefer to stick to meat (as raw as I can stand it) and dairy products. If only I could get some real milk (the kind you gotta shake to drink), my family might be able to experience real benefits without taking so many supplements.