In Shane's worldview, a fully functioning living human being is just a "wad of cells." The only difference, in that regard, between an adult and a baby in the womb is the size of the wad. I don't see why big wads have any more right to freedom and life than little wads. But that's what secular humanism reduces to. The bigger the wad, the more the will to and the right to power.
So, Shane, please get in the cattle car. Next stop, Belsen. The part of my wad that has thoughts believes that your wad is a parasite on society. What? You say you have rights? Nope. You're just a wad of cells and I have a gun. As the larger and more powerful wad, I can do whatever I want. This is for the common good. Now, are you going to come along like a good little wad or do I have get unpleasant?
The edifice of civilization that gives Shane rights is the same edifice that once gave babies in the womb rights. Without grounding in God, that edifice slowly becomes Nietzchian and barbarian. Shane is part of that process of degradation. If he doesn't pay for his acts, his children or grandchildren (should he choose to bring a parasite to term) will.
You got it right. What these people don't seem to understand is that when humans usurp the power to define who is or is not human life becomes the victim of whim. Any and every political/philosophical fad becomes the measuring rod of everyone's humanity and if you don't fit the metrics you wind up with a yellow star on your coat or in the gulag or on the auction block or in the gas chamber. Or you could wind up with a lethal injection administered by a PC doctor "just doing his job" by ensuring the current regime's standards for "quality of life" and "dignity" are not being violated.
Shane Krouse -- is that Michael Schiavo's new alias?