True, but if the gasoline isn't available, I'll burn it and be thankful.
Look at the current technology in Sprint cars. There are many advantages to minimzing the distance from where fuel enters the intake airstream and the cylinder.
The latest hot setup (mechanical injection, but the following points still apply) is called "down nozzles" which require a special cylinder head that allows the injector boss to be machined into the exhaust side of the head, placing the injector discharge immediately above the valve seat on the back wall of the intake port. Getting the fuel away from being above the throttle blades stops the icing problem, and minimizing contact time with the inlet air drastically reduces water condensation problems as well as freeing more of the inlet system to carry only air instead of being crammed full of fuel vapor. Even with your proposed slant 6, 90% of the fuel won't vaporize until it gets into the cylinder.