CNN Breaking news email:
-- Israel plans to call up thousands more reservists after Cabinet approved expanding ground war in Lebanon, Reuters reports quoting Israel Radio.
Someone earlier today (or maybe yesterday) said we needed an Israeli leader who would (figuratively speaking) step into his 67' Shelby fastback, slick his hair back, straighten his aviator shades, unleash a YEEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWW, and mash the accelerator to the floor.
I think Olmert's alter ego just stepped out, realized being a sissy the rest of his life would suck.
Israel plans to call up thousands more reservists after Cabinet approved expanding ground war in Lebanon
I wonder if this is in addition to the 3 reserve divisions called up the late last week.
Another intersting point - "thousands" of reservists could be another brigade or two or full mobilization. I'd be a little nervous right about now if i was a male 18+ year old south of the litani or in the Syrian army
I think I read before that it takes 3 days to get offensive troops ready on a callup.