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BREAKING: FOX reporting IDF has video proving Qana building had launchers
If the Fox report is correct, this is an important omission, which encourages the terrorists. Even if one ignores Israel, the impact on the people we're fighting in Iraq should be considered.
(Go Israel, Go! Slap 'Em Down Hezbullies.)
We must establish a simple foundation here before getting too far ahead of ourselves. Hezbollah are the criminals here. It is Israel that is the aggrieved party. All the Qanas in the world and all the diplomatic double-talk Rice can muster won't change that. No justice, no peace!
It sounds like Rice and the Israelis are discussing the size and boundaries of a buffer zone, and the make-up of forces that will police the buffer zone.
That sounds like they have backed off the original requirement that Hezbollah disarm. If so, its a mistake, because it guarantees that this war will re-ignite, and next time will be tougher than this time. The arabs take a long view; they are observing what worked, what didn't work, and they will adjust accordingly.
Any "cease-fire" that leaves Hezbollah in place will guarantee that war continues.
Olmert seems to have set for himself very modest goals. Rice seems to be giving him time to meet those goals, Israel won't be stopped until the Nato force is identified. But while a buffer zone is necessary, it is insufficient. Syria and Iran are the ultimate authors of this war, and they are the ultimate authors of the insurgency we face in Iraq. I would like to think we are putting in place a pause so we can go after the source of the problem, but I don't see it. I see a pause so we can get past the elections in November, which are very important, but hardly a strategy for a reformed middle east.
Why can't the Bush admin just keep its freakin' mouth shut for a change? I have never seen such spineless pandering to the media and to the world. Just keep out of it. But no, they are so worried because we support the right of Israel to exist....rotten, stinking politics.
Wait a minute! She's not saying anything about terrorists using human shields. That fact needs to be reiterated time and time again to get the fact home that these murdering terrorists aren't nice people and don't deserve to live. Rice is playing right into the islamic hands. Sheesh!
Rice is doing what all mediators do...pressure the parties. Unfortunately, its easier to pressure the sane and rational. This is why Israel must be resolute even if it means showing what others perceive as barbarism and otherwise scare the living piss out of the world. So long as others perceive her to be more likely to give in then that's who they'll pressure. Scorched earth and unconditional surrender is the only way.
Because this is SOP (Standard Operating Proceedure) for Islamists?
We really need to start spelling the name correctly: Hizb'Allah. All of a sudden, people will realize that this is a religiously motivated terror group, and not some political group. Hizb'Allah. It means "messengers of God".