Do you feel disagreement with an Israeli position is always "rabid"? You're a conservative or you wouldn't be here, but you talk with the logic of a liberal, "This group's above criticism, that group's above criticism"... Please explain
What are all the groups that are above criticism in your opinion? I know who liberals think are protected victim groups, but I've never heard of conservatives having that type of PC thinking -- let me know. Please see Post #85 for an excellent defense of my position.
In my estimation war is ultimately about ideas. Islamofascism has an idea of how the world should be. Their ideas are utterly and totally wrong.
One of their important means of winning in the current war is to use Western epistemic systems against itself. The West-- except for substantial components of the US-- has anti-semitic logics. Islamo fascists seek to utilize this logic to foist their own victimology. This means the Hezbollah terrorists are the "victims" and Israeli Jews are the aggressors.
Without the underlying logic of anti semitism, the Islamo fascists would be in a much weaker rhetorical position.
Consequently, I no longer care what individual intentions are about criticism of Israel. All criticism which aims to reduce Israeli assertiveness (note you could criticize Israel for being too soft) is a veiled invitation to annihilate Jews.
If you have never carefully studies MEMRI.ORG to understand the extensive and powerful nature of anti-semitism, I urge you to do so.
When you have David Duke being invited to Damascus to give speeches against war, it is time to clue in on what anti-Israel statements really mean.
I am done pretending.
Not being Jewish, I've managed to get around and hear the garbage over the years.
Guarantee, anyone who starts comparing Israelis to Nazis is, in fact, an anti-semite, every single time.