Being now in a way-too-long run of personal bad luck, I have found that if I do not watch my college f-ball team play, or even listen, it causes them to win. If I watch or listen, the opposite. I might hire myself out as an anti-jinx.
However, the only people who would pay me would be Texans fans - I *know* there must be some, there are people in the stands - and I couldn't work for that; I have a conscience. (Luv Ya Blue!)
(Should I or shouldn't I? No, you're under fire ... won't do it ... we're the Houston Oilers ... Houston Oilers ... Houston Oilers #1 - HA! Luv Ya Bum!)
Errr....I'm one of 'em. I've had season tickets since 2002 - still have 'em.
Loved the Oilers - had season tickets for 12 years in Section 758.
HATE the song and NOW it'll take forever to get it out of my head. GRRRRRR!