Let's go to the tape! Got a link?
The Associated Press Tucson, Arizona | Published: 07.05.2006 Connie Hair, a spokeswoman for the group (other media/PR person for the Simcox group is Kristinn Taylor ), which opposes illegal immigration, said Wednesday that construction of vehicle barriers will start soon on the first fence project, headed by contractor Peter Kunz. http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/hourlyupdate/136644.php
If you look at the AP copy, Kristinn is not mentioned at all. Catholicfreeper added that himself. What was the purpose of bringing Kristinn up at all? I suspect that cathlicfreeper, having only been a freeper for a few months, had no idea who Kristinn was, and dragged his name into this hoping to find some sort of nefarious link with him. That's what he was doing on that thread.