To: samantha
Dodd made a fool of himself...but he isn't the only one.
Biden already came out and said Bolton shouldn't get confirmed..and you can count on at least 95% of the dems to vote that way..
It is all about party, not the country.
483 posted on
07/23/2006 1:05:02 PM PDT by
((((((((((( ISRAEL)))))))))))))
To: Txsleuth
It is all about party, not the country.Thats right, even at the expense of allowing the NYT to leak info, parading Cindy Al-Shehadi around as mainstream thought, and hand wringing over a people who voted in a terrorist organization to represent them in government..
485 posted on
07/23/2006 1:08:03 PM PDT by
(America, despite the usual suspects, stands firmly with Israel..)
To: Txsleuth
Actually it is all about pandering to their red meat base. Biden and Dodd are both reported to be running for President in 2008. Neither one of the two stand a snowball's chance in Hell. Dodd puffs himself up like a Banty Rooster in front of a Huge crowd of 190 People in South Florida,and because he was received well by a handful of Left wing nutballs, he thinks he has hit the big time. He follows up his ahem- performance by running off at the mouth with Headline grabbing crap. Biden has been saying headline grabbing outrageous things forever, and it is just to the base of DUmmies,and move on types that they will need to win any Dem primary.
488 posted on
07/23/2006 1:18:55 PM PDT by
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