I got the lineup from a web site featuring the AP link last night. I do notice that Phsstpok's thread has what you say....
Did I take the correct date? I thought the listing I used was dated July 22nd. It's possible I was in the AP's archives, if so, then these could be last years lineups!
Please, folks, check the actual guests on the shows themselves!
RedState.com also says Bolton and Hastert will be on FNS and Josh Bolten and the Fiasco author on MTP.
"This Week" web site said Stephie's show won't be on at all this week because of ABC's coverage of the British Open.
"Face the Nation" site says they'll have Daniel Ayalon Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Dr. Imad Moustapha Syrian Ambassador to the U.S. and David Ignatius of The Washington Post.
"Late Edition" web site names these guests: Isaac Herzog: Israeli tourism Minister, John Bolton: U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana: Foreign Relations Committee chairman, Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Connecticut: Foreign Relations committee member, Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Michigan: Select Intelligence Committee chairman, Rep. Jane Harman, D-California: Select Intelligence Committee member