To: samantha
Wow Samantha, you tell it like it is now don't cha!! Typical liberal mentality Do as I say, not as I do. It's been like that longer than I can remember. Same as with the wind generators off the coast of Nantucket. God forbid the Kennedy compound should have its' view interrupted.
189 posted on
07/23/2006 7:44:23 AM PDT by
(Liberals suffer from acute interior cornial craniorectoitis)
To: shadeaud
#189, that is certainly a huge point. The Walter Cronkite's of Martha's Vineyard or Cape Cod like their lefty Comrades rail against drilling in ANWR, but it is NIMBY for Wind Farms. Hypocrisy be thy name Democrats...
250 posted on
07/23/2006 8:31:12 AM PDT by
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