I keep hearing a long range plan theme in Bolton's comments. Also Tony Snow's. Not applying bandaids anymore, going after the root problem.
LOL! Question to Bolton as to his thoughts about the UN, is it useless?
Bolton stops short of callig it useless, but makes no apologies about wanting to promote American interests and utilize the UN to facilitate that. (Major undertaking IMO)
I wish he'd comment on Ahmadinejihad's dude in the well and their quest for world domination.
20:45 Rice: There is a political solution to stop the violence and we have to pursue it (CNN)
20:43 Rice: Can`t have situation where S. Lebanon is haven for groups firing at Israel (CNN)
20:42 Rice: Syria knows what it needs to do, Hezbollah is source of problem (CNN)
20:42 Rice: In past days, we have helped 10,000 Americans to reach safety (CNN)
20:40 Rice: U.S. planning humanitarian aid for Lebanon (CNN)
20:39 Rice: We do seek to end current violence, but also address its roots (CNN)