They make you pay for roads you don't drive on, prisons you don't live in, police and fire regardless of whether you use them or not. I don't go to the local university but I pay for it. If you don't choose to use the public school system then that's your right. Send your kids to private schools, home school them, or send them to public schools. That's your choice.
I use roads, prisons are full of people I want to be protected from, and if I ever need them the police for fire services are there for me. It's best if these are paid for at the local level as much as possible, so those who do benefit from having them in their communities pay for them.
I don't go to the local university but I pay for it.
And is that conservative? Is it fair? No.
If you don't choose to use the public school system then that's your right. Send your kids to private schools, home school them, or send them to public schools. That's your choice.
If they force me to pay for it, it takes away a lot of that "choice." What if the government took 90 percent of your income, and then offered you its food rations, its housing projects, its public transportation, and its medical care, if you wanted. Otherwise, you could buy your own. How much choice would you really have?