And how much of that tax money went to education, if I may ask? Let's look at my home state for example. Kansas funds schools through the income taxes, local municipalities are strictly limited as to how much local property tax income can go to schools. In Kansas the average family of 4 earns about $50,000 per year. That means that after deductions they pay about $1800 to $2000 per year in state income taxes. About half the budget goes to education, including universities and colleges, so an average families tax burden for schools is probably less than $1000. So anything in vouchers over that $1000 or so is a subsidy, given to the family by the government to pay for something the family is unwilling to pay for. And if you limit the voucher to the equivilent of the income taxes that they pay for education then you're left with trying to educate two kids on less than a thousand dollars. I don't know about private school tuitions where you live, but if I had two kids in the local Catholic high school I'd be paying close to $11,000 per year. I can't afford that, certainly could not on an average family income, even with the $1000 voucher. So voucher programs are a government subsidy, and a way for government contol over private schools.
100%...we have no state income tax... School taxes in Texas are direct. I pay 2% of the assessed value of all my property every year...and that's based on forever escallating property values....
Please keep in mind that I am not suggesting that the state pay my child's private school bill...all I am saying is allow me to direct what I pay in school taxes to the school of my choice. If that school costs more, then I pay that from my pocket too...