"why do they even care about private schools when participation and donations are completely voluntary?"
Because for every child that goes to private schools, public schools lose about $20,000 per year.
Isn't that offset somewhat by the number of taxpayers who send their children to private schools (or don't even have children!) and still have to pay property taxes to support the public schools? I'm honestly not complaining, but I don't get a break/refund on my property taxes just because my kids go to private school. They get my money but don't have to educate my kids. That doesnt' sound so bad.
Me fail English....that's unpossible!!
Funny thing about school budgets, at least here in California.
Let's say the statewide budget for education is set at $100M, and that the state lottery contributes $30M. You would think schools would have $130M in the budget.
Nope, still $100M, but the $30 million provided by the state lottery would replace $30M paid by property taxes, leaving the state a $30M windfall. Where does the extra $30M go? I don't know, but I do know that the government has never had problems spending our money.
This is the reason I always vote "no" on any ballot measure to increase money for schools by way of increased property taxes or bonds.