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Hezbollah vows no limits
Herald Sun ^
| 17 July 2006
Posted on 07/16/2006 5:33:30 PM PDT by Aussie Dasher
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To: GSlob
Because Israel does not have B-52s, and their direct acquisition might have been sticky.Just as sticky as their acquiring our F15s and F16s. They do not need heavy long range bombers.
The Israeli military is not stupid.
posted on
07/16/2006 8:33:36 PM PDT
(All we get are lame ideas from Republicans and lame criticism from dems about those lame ideas.)
To: Aussie Dasher
Hezbollah vows no limits Does that mean Geneva's is not an issue anymore?
To: Cobra64
B52 is a strategic heavy bomber. Strategic assets [like Trident subs] are not easily acquireable - Tridents are for the Brits only, so it could have become sticky. In view of Iraq/Osirac and now Iran they do need heavy bombers with significant range, for working at the extreme range limit is no fun. And as for them being not stupid - sometimes they do look that way, like in this case.
posted on
07/16/2006 8:40:54 PM PDT
To: Aussie Dasher
Hezbollah vows no limits Cowardly placing their rockets smack dab in the middle of Arab civlian populations and sending countless suicide/homicide bombers to murder Israeli citizens, Hezbollah (and other Islamist terrorist orgs) long ago reached the "no limits" level. limits to their inhumanity.
posted on
07/16/2006 9:14:52 PM PDT
Mr. Mojo
To: Lurker
Actually, I have no doubt that with the support of Syria and Iran (and to a lesser extent, North Korea), Hizbolla has thourougly mined every road and field in southern lebanon, so that when tanks roll in, they'll be knocked out of commission or destroyed. I have no doubt that they've also got chemical and biological weapons, and may very well use them, although it would be suicidal for Syria or Iran to allow their use. On the other hand, the Iranian lunatic did say that losing a few million muslims would be worth the destruction of Israel.
posted on
07/16/2006 9:23:31 PM PDT
(When Kaylee says "No power in the `verse can stop me," it's cute. When River says it, it's scary!)
To: Cobra64
What they could use are 40 or 50 MLRS systems! While they don't have quite the "impact" of a squadron of heavy bombers, they can pummel the heck out of a rather large area.
posted on
07/16/2006 9:26:30 PM PDT
(When Kaylee says "No power in the `verse can stop me," it's cute. When River says it, it's scary!)
To: Aussie Dasher
"As long as the enemy has no limits, we will have no limits." Haven't nuked your sorry a$$es yet have they? If not, then they've imposed limits on themselves.
posted on
07/16/2006 10:20:22 PM PDT
El Gato
To: Nachoman
Oh for cripes sake. If America had suffered proportionally them same kind of attacks, we would have nuked 3 countries and not left a single mosque standing in our borders. Is this article accurate? Did the US really "demand an end to Israeli military operations"? I read quite the opposite earlier and I have also noticed that the MSM are lying a lot as usual. I'm not buying this.
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