Regarding Plamegate, we are told constantly by the Wilson's that the administration targeted Valerie in retaliation for Joe Wilson telling the "truth" that Iraq was not trying to purchase uranium.
I'm starting to think that not 1 reporter in 100 either knows the truth or is reporting the truth.
The Senate Bipartisan Committee reported that what Joe Wilson was reporting privately in closed door sessions to Congress actually bolstered the Bush administration's position that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium.
The bipartisan committee report that shows Wilson lied about what he found in Niger:
The panel found that Wilson's report, "rather than debunking intelligence about purported uranium sales to Iraq, actually bolstered the case for most intelligence analysis."
To this day, British intelligence maintains that Saddam Hussein sought uranium in Africa, recently underlined by a report from The Financial Times of London. The British government states "European intelligence officers have now revealed... human and electronic intelligence sources from a number of countries picked up repeated discussion of an illicit trade in uranium from Niger." The New York Times paraphrased the above with a clear-cut story titled: "Intelligence Backs Claim Iraq Tried to Buy Uranium." The essay leaves no doubt as to the claim of Bush in January 2003 that Saddam Hussein was not only was trying to procure uranium, but had been for years.
Wilson misled the Washington Post in June 2003, when he told the paper that the Niger intelligence was based on documents that had clearly been forged because "the dates were wrong and the names were wrong." In fact, Wilson had never seen the reports.
When the Senate committee staff asked Wilson how he could have come to that conclusion, Wilson replied that he may have "misspoken" (See first paragraph) to reporters.
The MSM signed an amicus brief saying there was no crime in the Plame leak:
36 major news organizations and professional reporters' groups (including CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Reuters, The Associated Press, The Tribune Company, The Washington Post, The New York Press Club and The White House Corespondents) insisted that "no crime" had been committed in the "Plame Leak" case because, among other things, Valerie Plame's identity had previously been disclosed to both the Russians and the Cubans!
Read their brief here:
As we prepare to listen to "Great Men" on the Sunday talk shows give us their years of wisdom, it is helpful to read Mark Steyn and what he says about these people:
Lots of links, Peach. Thanks. How Russert could tlk about Plame case when he is one of that involved directly in this? Don't conflict of interest apply to them? Anyway, IF Libby trial proceeds, Russert is going to be exposed in full.
re: Bond, Plame, Bond
re: Past Bond, Plame, Bond
Gee Peach are you insinuating that the msm/drive-bys may have an agenda when they report how poor Valerie Pflame's identity was "brazenly revealed" by any pubbie they think they can pin it on. Why I never.....
From Mr. Right
In honor of the momentous events of these last few days, I channeled my inner-moonbat and came up with (dare I say it): the world's very first Fitzmas Carol! A tune destined to be sung by joyous moonbats every Fitzmas Eve as they gather around the tree and exchange gifts! I hope you enjoy it...
Ms. American Spy
(Sung to the tune of Don McLean's American Pie)
Great post. Utterly inexcuseable how a Freeper with a busy social and personal life can, on their own, keep track of all the various facts about the Wilson-Palme story but paid, supposedly professional, Journalists cannot. No wonder people are tuning out their crap
I think it's actaully worse than you imply.
The Plame outing was the direct result of one easily-disproved assertion from Joe Wilson: that VP Cheney had sent him to Niger and supposedly ignored his findings. Beginning with the Kristoff article and then in his own op-ed, Wilson carefully crafted his words to make it sound like Cheney sponsored him (he went "at the behest of" the VP's office). I remember very clearly---in those first few weeks after his op-ed---all the talking head shows asserted "CHENEY SENT HIM AND THEN IGNORED HIS OWN MAN!!" [i.e., Chris Matthews]. Wilson appeared on these shows and now claims he never said Cheney sent him. Crafty. He sat on those panels and never corrected Chris or Tim when they interpreted it that way---you might say it became "conventional wisdom" that he'd been sent by Cheney.
I'm sure the folks in Cheney's office were simply saying "Who the heck is this guy?! And who sent him to Niger?"
THAT was the issue that led to Plame's outing. It's really very simple...if one is really seeking the truth. The Senate Intelligence Committee report showed definitively that Plame sent Joe to Africa and he had lied about Cheney. If the MSM were interested in truth, they would have recognized right then that they'd been had by Wilson.