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To: shadeaud; anita; All
My biggest fear is that Israel will wind up fighting a PC war with Hezbollah and Hamas.

By now Israel has learned that trying to deal with terrorists using PC(politically correct)logic will lose every time you try.

It was a mistake to give back the Gaza strip as the terrorists saw the gesture solely as a sign of weakness rather that the olive branch which is the European/NYT mentality of waging war.

It will also be a mistake to stop destroying terrorists and anything they use to try and destroy Israel with.

What I see happening is that Israel will keep making remarkable strikes against the terrorists until they(hamas and hezbollah) cry "uncle".

Eventually, in short order, the terror types and their lackeys will claim they are ready for peace talks which will be a sign Israel is making strides in it's blitzkrieg they are currently waging.

World opinion will immediately jump on Israel to stop the bombing and all will be peaceful again.And most likely Israel will pull back as it always does. But will all be peaceful again?

We are fighting a slick enemy in the Middle East. They have successfully used left wing tactics to wage war, and the msm/driveby media is solidly against Israel even though they are the aggrieved party! They were attacked by terror types and their soldiers were kidnapped.

This matters little to agenda laden media and terror types bent on the destruction of the U.S. and all it represents.

We are the true, real targets or terrorists and if they have to strike us through Israel all the better for them.

Islamic terrorism has become a sort of blind faith/brainwashed form of war waged on the US and it's few allies. The perpetrators have learned to use every trick in the trade against us.

We are afraid to go up against Iran,who is undoubtedly behind much of the current problems in Israel, and Saudi Arabia since they control vast stretches of oil reserves that could disrupt worldwide commerce.

At the same time we refuse to drill for oil in places where oil is found and every type of energy security available to us from nuclear to shale oil,which is directly related to the WOT, is demagogued,shot down by the left in a traitorous effort to regain political power at any and all costs.

Meanwhile our elected reps fail to secure our own borders by killing border fence funding(in the Senate) when we know terror types cross almost daily.

We are in a crossroads as a nation and we need to stand up for freedom and democracy or lose it.

113 posted on 07/16/2006 6:32:01 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Support The New media, Ticket the Drive-bys, --America-The land of the Free because of the Brave-)
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To: rodguy911
We are the true, real targets or terrorists and if they have to strike us through Israel all the better for them.

Exactly. And we are at a crossroads.

118 posted on 07/16/2006 6:33:15 AM PDT by Peach (Prayers for our dear friends in Israel.)
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To: rodguy911

Very thoughtful description, Rod. And very true all also. But news reports now seems to be shfting in our favor as France & Russia REVISED their criticism of Israel - now they are not saying what they were before. (they came to attacking Hesballah too).

134 posted on 07/16/2006 6:38:24 AM PDT by anita
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To: rodguy911
Nice rant.

It has the added benefit of being true.

181 posted on 07/16/2006 6:52:54 AM PDT by Gritty (My question for you (President Bush) is: “Do you not want to join us (the Ummah)? -Ahmadinejad)
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To: rodguy911

#113, Great post it says it all in a few paragraphs. We are reluctant to go after Iran because of the PC crowd, and the worthless, harping democrats wussies,plus there are so many Young People in Iran that are totally against that Radical Government that controls them we do not want to hurt them with a lot of collateral damage.

400 posted on 07/16/2006 8:48:26 AM PDT by samantha (cheer up, the Adults are in charge,but need Reserves really fast)
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To: rodguy911

Excellent post. Suggested addendum is that we fail to note the irony in having the 'Zionists' do the dirty work cleaning up Hamas and Hezbollah for the likes of Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, the UAE and the Saudis. Thus the hated Joos are a de facto first rate strike force to protect the unelected emirs, 'Presidents' and kings of the middle east. To get a thank you (todah) for this, the Israelis need to look under letter 't' in the dictionary.

434 posted on 07/16/2006 9:00:09 AM PDT by masadaman
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