Maybe he should go hang out with Cindy Sheehan and give her pep talks about how "euphoric" it is to not eat or drink.
Cindy's "movie star" fast for peace is hilarious. All these Hollywood ninnies are going to join Cindy in not eating any Brie or sipping any Chardonnay for 24 hours -- per person. It's a new thing on this earth, a "rolling fast," meaning that at the end of the day, the burden is passed along to another person who will give up Perrier and little black caviar thingies on a bed of Italian Mascarpone on imported French crackers.
Nobody has to do anything.......... difficult. And they are all trying to shed five pounds anyway.
As far as I can see, their efforts have not only failed to end war in Iraq, they have started a whole new war in Lebanon.