Dear useless Greece,
Tell you what, turn about is fair play. The next time there is an incident between Greece and Turkey, or you two get in another furball over Cyprus, Israel is allowed to tell you twenty times a day to "exercise restraint" and cluck disapproval at Greece for "using excessive, pointless force."
BTW, Greece, the best baklava I ever had was in Israel, made by Israelis, not Greeks. Put that in your bouzouki and play it!
there are regular incursions by turkey into greek airspace. They are daily, so your point is a big yawn.
Colin powel's incompetence in pushing the Coffi Annan Plan on cyprus is an added insult that has hurt our reputation in the region.
Greece has the largest military in the region and hands down the largest navy.
The United States has been essentially useless the the region and has abdicated its leadership role since 1964. The USA depends on Greece as a stabalizing buffer force for the balkans.
You also forget Cyprus is a BRITISH created problem.