And yet he never gives up.
He's either a "true believer" in the New World Order, or he's a Brady Troll.
Too bad really. We could use such a tenacious mind on the Founding Intent/Natural Rights side of the fence.
[RKBA's] "Unalienable? No.
An individual right secured by the states, yes."
-- he never gives up.
He's either a "true believer" in the New World Order, or he's a Brady Troll.
He's a troll, convinced that admittedly "individual rights" can be 'alienated', abridged, deprived, or infringed upon by States.
Too bad really. We could use such a tenacious mind on the Founding Intent/Natural Rights side of the fence.
Catch 22. Such tenaciousness is a product of unreasoning zealotry to 'the cause'. -- And the cause is anti-constitutional statism. -- It's a gulf, not a fence.