Uh, No.
I can take a DVD and copy it and make edited copies or even pay someone to do that for me for my own use to my hearts content without any violation of any COPYRIGHT.
COPYRIGHT is exactly that RIGHT TO COPY, the owner is the only one allowed to COPY IT FOR COMMERCIAL USE... Once I own it I can do whatever I want with it for my own use.
I can take a book, and pay someone to go through it with a black market and make parts of it unreadable if I want to.. I haven't violated any laws.. I can photo copy every page and staple them together in the wrong order for my own use IF I WANT.. I have NOT violated any copyright laws.
Ah No, HJ, you Can't. You do not own the rights to the movie just cause you grabbed a 5 dollar DVD outta the bargain bin at Walmart.
You own the Disk.
Sorry, but that's the fact.
Here, if you don't believe me.