The Bush boys display one disturbing trait that Dubya has done pretty good on so far. renegging! But I still get nervous when appointees tell Democrat Senators stuff like "Tax cuts don't pay for themselves!"
I don't feel any better about that, than when the "Oracle of Omaha" Buffet tells Schwartznegger CA needs to rescind Prop 13 because Cauleeforneeuns don't pay enough in property taxes!!!
Yeah, I love how he talks about two beach homes he own very near each other, and because of Prop 13 he pays like five times the property tax on one that he does on the other. I agree that this is a flaw in Prop 13, but he leaps from that to assuming that it's the one with the low tax bill that's wrong, which is completely stupid. I assume it's the one with the high tax bill that should be brought down. Why should the state get a windfall just because a home changes hands? They're not all of a sudden building more roads, schools, etc.