>> ...he sent the attorney general after the city of San Fran for allowing gay marriage...
He "directed" him to pursue a judicial resolution. Of course, the Governor has no authority over the AG. Tiny problem.
Mr Schwarzenegger is said to have sent a letter to Attorney General Bill Lockyer saying San Francisco's actions "are directly contrary to state law and present an imminent risk to civil order".
"I hereby direct you to take immediate steps to obtain a definite judicial resolution of this controversy," Mr Schwarzenegger reportedly said.
But a spokeswoman for Mr Lockyer said the city's actions pose no risk to public safety and said Mr Schwarzenegger had no authority over the attorney general, who was independently elected.
"The governor cannot direct the attorney general. He can direct the highway patrol. He can direct 'Terminator 4'. But he can't tell the attorney general what to do," she said.
So because the AG ignored the governor that Schwarzenegger's fault?? The fact is, the governor did have the power to so direct Lockyer, but Lockyer who was not appointed by Arnold, but rather is an elected office in California, is a hard line Democratic pol. That Lockyer refused to heed the governor, and made utterly unsustainable arguments claiming he couldn't be ordered by the governor to take action, neither establishes the truth of such claims nor any weakness on the part of the governor. The AG is an officer of the state govt. He is not a force unto himself answerable to no one.