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Soldier's Invention Aids Gunners
Defense News ^
| Spc. Anna-Marie Hizer
Posted on 07/05/2006 5:20:06 PM PDT by SandRat
U.S. Army Sgt. Ben Smith |
Soldier's Invention Aids Gunners |
By Spc. Anna-Marie Hizer 133rd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment |
KIRKUK, Iraq, July 5, 2006 -- Soldiers are issued and use thousands of dollars worth of equipment every day. They depend on this gear to keep them safe and to make their jobs and lives easier.
Sometimes, however, modifications need to be made to certain items. Enter innovation. When something does not work, or does not work exactly as it should, soldiers often use their own ingenuity to make it work better.
Sgt. Ben Smith, Forward Support Company, 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, is one example of a soldier-inventor.
When the native of Birmingham, Ala., realized the Improved Target Acquisition System, used by turret gunners, could not be mounted on the units new trucks, he set out to fix the problem, while at the same time maintaining the safety of the gunner protection kits.
We had to make a lot of parts out of scratch, he said. It took about a month and a half to build the prototype.
With the new mounts in place and in use on four trucks belonging to Company D, 2/327th Infantry Regiment, Smith said he is happy with how his creation turned out.
They have been able to use the trucks for observation, route clearance and other missions, Smith said.
He added that feedback has been positive, noting that gunners feel better being able to fire using the Improved Target Acquisition System. |
U.S. Army Sgt. Ben Smith, a mechanic with Forward Support Company, 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, grinds down the armor-plated door of a Humvee in Kirkuk, Iraq, June 30, 2006. Smith created a new mount for the Improved Target Acquisition System, a type of sight system used by turret gunners. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Anna-Marie Hizer |
Smith said he will continue to improve items when needed and make something new if the Infantry soldiers need it.
The infantry is my customer, he said. Whatever they need, I make for them. |
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: aids; army; gunners; invention; iraq; miltech; soldiers
posted on
07/05/2006 5:20:08 PM PDT
To: 91B; HiJinx; Spiff; MJY1288; xzins; Calpernia; clintonh8r; TEXOKIE; windchime; Grampa Dave; ...
GOOD OLE Yankee Ingenuity.
posted on
07/05/2006 5:20:40 PM PDT
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
posted on
07/05/2006 5:23:06 PM PDT
(Violence is ALWAYS a solution. Maybe not the right one....but a solution nonetheless)
To: SandRat
Enter innovation. When something does not work, or does not work exactly as it should, soldiers often use their own ingenuity to make it work better.
As it's always been.
posted on
07/05/2006 5:24:45 PM PDT
(I'm trying to think but nothing happens)
To: SandRat
a friend of mine has a saying when searching for innovation.."see the hill, take the hill"..
posted on
07/05/2006 5:26:19 PM PDT
(I'm a Patriot Guard for info)
To: SandRat
To: cripplecreek
posted on
07/05/2006 6:30:03 PM PDT
(The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
To: DuncanWaring
Hedgerow cutter?
Yeah, or as my granddad called them "The Rhino". Also notice the sand bags due to the unfortunate finding that American tanks weren't armored well.
posted on
07/05/2006 6:38:24 PM PDT
(I'm trying to think but nothing happens)
To: cripplecreek
The other famous contemporary innovation was the drum mounted in front of a Sherman tank, with chains attached. The contraption would be rolled over a minefield with the drum spinning and the chains flailing beating the ground to pulp and detonating any mines in its path.
Allegedly when Eisenhower showed it off to Gen. Zhukov he explained that the Soviets "cleared" a minefield by marching Infantry over it. (Of course, they had construction battalions of non-Russians, whom he probably considered expendable.)
posted on
07/05/2006 7:07:02 PM PDT
Lonesome in Massachussets
(NYT Headline: 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of CBS: Fake But Accurate, Experts Say.')
To: Lonesome in Massachussets
I've read that the Germans were terrified of the flail even though it wasn't even a weapon in strict terms. I've seen video and it is scary looking.
posted on
07/05/2006 7:09:24 PM PDT
(I'm trying to think but nothing happens)
To: cripplecreek
hedgehog was also a name for those beautiful teeth on the sherman
posted on
07/05/2006 8:08:47 PM PDT
(Defeat liberalism, its the right thing to do for America.)
To: SandRat enviromental impact study? No paperwork filled out?
To: SandRat
Mr. Smith (no relation), when you get home, have a cold one on me. I salute you!
posted on
07/05/2006 8:13:19 PM PDT
Tanniker Smith
(Yes, I used this same joke on Flag Day. So sue me. It's America.)
To: SandRat
Go, Ben! It's good to see someone who loves his job and wants to help the other guys. He could just as well have said, "It doesn't work. It's not my job to fix it."
posted on
07/10/2006 6:06:18 PM PDT
Right Wing Assault
("..this administration is planning a 'Right Wing Assault' on values and ideals.." - John Kerry)
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