To: Mike Darancette
Sounds plausible.
I don't know how or where this dot fits but I heard that there were Iranians (officers I think. just heard a quick radio soundbite) in the Gaza strip helping Hamass. The Isrealis may be putting a kink in Stinky's plans too. Of course sane people know that if he pushes too far they'll put more than a kink in his turban.
73 posted on
07/04/2006 11:15:16 PM PDT by
(The ego chatters endlessly on. Mind speaks in great silence.)
To: TigersEye
This is hilarious. We can see the anus of a fly from a satellite but we can't be sure how many missiles he launched?
It seems our technological capabilities are highly exaggerated.
74 posted on
07/04/2006 11:29:07 PM PDT by
(Italian Kid: My father can beat up your father! Jewish Kid: Big deal, so can my mother!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson