Guess I should have read to the end of the thread. Everything was already answered. Sorry folks!
More like Sen. Jake Garn from Utah, a Republican who strong armed NASA into putting him on a shuttle flight, thereby causing a real, trained astronaut to sit on the ground, and any actual work that astronaut could have done going to waste.
Same goes for Florida Senator Bill Nelson and John Glenn.
In fact, in Mike Mullane's book, a very prominent senator tried like hell to get put on a flight, but was rebuffed after NASA finished their stupid stunts with non trained personnel.
Both Apollo and the Shuttle were victims of lack of Presidential (R) and Congressional(D) support. Apollo was terminated early, to save the (relatively small compared to development) cost of the later missions.
The Shuttle was starved for funds during the most critical time, development. As originally conceived, there would have been a fly back booster. Thus eliminating both the solids and the external tank. There might have been some problems with the tanks on the fly back booster, but it's hard to envision that they would have been anything like the "simple" external tank's. Both the Booster and the shuttle would have been almost completely reusable. Operating costs would have been much lower, but... development would have taken longer and cost more. Nixon never supported the space program, it was Kennedy and Johnson's creation, or so it seemed in his estimation.
The shuttle was to have much more of a military mission, as it did in the early days, and that both drove requirements, and earned the hostility of the crowd that "loathed the military".
The result was the half assed design and all the troubles we have today.