Ghandi certainly DID encourage humility. He did because he saw so little of it.
By the way, Ghandi's saying of "If someone slaps you on one cheek, show them the other cheek." DOESN'T come from him. It was a quote from Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
Mind you, Ghandi drew so many of his teachings from Hindu, Muslim AND Christian sources, deliberately. I KNEW that. Apparently you didn't as this quote was one of Jesus' MORE FAMOUS and difficult teachings to follow.
if thats the opinion you formed about Indians, then fine. Although none of my american friends ever expressed this. This might also mean that you felt inferior in the compnay of those Indians!
Gandhi drew none of what he taught from any religion other than his own. The Song of God gave Gandhi his strength and comfort. He respected and appreciated the Sermon on the Mount, but his "teaching" he drew straight from the Gita.
Btw, Gandhi was not a great teacher. Compared to the truly great Mahatmas, Gandhi was a dwarf.