Well, sure. Hitler's philosophy obviously goes counter to what is consensually considered to be the broad spirit of Christianity. Needless to say. Yet he accepts Jesus as Savior, and that's generally the demarcation of Christian versus non-Christian.
So you can say he was a twisted and perverse Christian who failed to grasp the full implications of the faith, and I'll agree with you readily. You can say he was a bad Christian, but he was a Christian nevertheless. Unless you want to play the same game as Muslims who wash their hands of Islamists by claiming they aren't Muslims.
>>Well, sure. Hitler's philosophy obviously goes counter to what is consensually considered to be the broad spirit of Christianity. Needless to say. Yet he accepts Jesus as Savior, and that's generally the demarcation of Christian versus non-Christian.
So you can say he was a twisted and perverse Christian who failed to grasp the full implications of the faith, and I'll agree with you readily. You can say he was a bad Christian, but he was a Christian nevertheless. Unless you want to play the same game as Muslims who wash their hands of Islamists by claiming they aren't Muslims.<<
With all due respect, this is not even close. Hitler CLAIMED to accept Jesus as savior. It doesn't mean he did.
Regarding the comparison to muslims washing their hands of the deeds of others, there is a big difference: Those that claim Christ and then do such terrible acts are going directly counter to His teachings. Those that claim Islam and do these terrible acts are doing exactly what the Koran tells them to do.
Big difference.