BS! is probably the favorite show of all time of DU!
Seems unlikely, given the episodes:
Season 1 (2003)
"Talking to the Dead"
"Alternative Medicine"
"Alien Abductions"
"End of the World"
"Second Hand Smoke" / "Baby Bullshit" (educational products for babies)
"Sex, Sex, Sex" (dealing with penis enlargement, breast enlargement, aphrodisiacs)
"Feng Shui" / "Bottled Water"
"Eat This!" (dieting / genetically modified food)
"Ouija Boards" / "Near-death Experiences"
"Environmental Hysteria"
Season 2 (2004)
"P.E.T.A." (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals organization)
"Safety Hysteria"
"The Business of Love"
"War on Drugs"
"The Bible"
"Yoga, Tantric Sex, Etc." (New Age culture)
"Fountain of Youth" (life extension and cosmetic surgery)
"Death, Inc."
"Exercise vs. Genetics"
Season 3 (2005)
The third season of the series began on April 25, 2005.
"Circumcision" (against)
"Family Values" (argument that the "traditional family" is not traditional in America)
"Conspiracy Theories"
"Life Coaching"
"Holier Than Thou" (a critical view of Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama)
"College" (opposition to political correctness)
"Big Brother" (vague position with criticism of both the paranoid and the government)
"Hair" (opposition to fashion & fad)
"Gun Control" (against)
"Endangered Species" (about the U.S. Endangered Species Act)
"Signs From Heaven"
"The Best" (about the pursuit of needless luxury)
Season 4 (2006)
The fourth season of the series began on April 3, 2006.
"The Boy Scouts" (against their discrimination against gays and atheists)
"Prostitution" (pro-legalization)
"The Death Penalty" (against)
"Cryptozoology" (concerning the mythological creatures such as Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster)
"Ground Zero" and the dragging of feet in rebuilding and lack of (family approved) memorials.
"Pet Love" (concerns people spoiling pets with diamond dog collars, expensive food, et cetera)
"Reparations" (mostly against)
"Manners" (pro rational manners that make sense, against arbitrary manners)
"Numbers" (how they can be used to deceive polls and how you can be scammed)
"Abstinence" (against abstinence-only education)
Yes, they take on some topics favored by some "conservatives." But mostly they go after the favorite fantasies of whacko leftists.