Tired of hearing about Al Gore and his inconvenient truth. Here is an excellent rebutal site with facts and videos.
BTTT. I guess I'll get serial and go looking for manbearpig.
Jalapeno peppers...good for you and prevents colon cancer too.
Thanks for an excellent post.
Important to publish these facts. The ignorant masses are being stampeded by the Global Warming Scare machine.
Thirty years ago, they were worried about the next Ice Age - remember Buffalo being buried under hundreds of inches of snow? Now it's Global Warming. In another thirty years who knows what. Perhaps the state of the Sun has more to do with our climate than whether a few million environmentally friendly cars are on the road. Note that the Global Warming crisis has come home to roost only after a half century of progressively tougher environmental regulations in the U.S.
I pose the heterodox question: Is it likely that we (the poor dazed American consumer) are not the problem?
Gorebal Warming isn't real??! You've just wrecked my entire belief sys....BWAHAAHAA, I can't even get it out with a straight face. (:^*)
Thanks for posting this.
This is excellent!
It should be known and publicized that the IPCC is a political organization chartered with an advocacy mission-- NOT a scientific organization charged with the mission of determining truth.
The original 1995 report, on which all else is based, was cooked. This is a known fact not a conjecture. The report was altered, faked by extremists after it was signed off by the few qualified scientists on the panel. This is documented and never refuted. See the book Satanic Gasses for further details.
Wow, a great site! Thanks!
Bump, BTTT, as a bookmark.
"galactic influences"? Really? How?
This information appears to be better organized and methodical that the info the global warming alarmists and their media buddies are shouting.
Carbon Dioxide is not a harmful gas as was stated in the report. Plants love it! Increased CO2 actually causes plants to produce more oxygen. Forests thrive on the CO2 released from the natural process of decomposition of leaves and dead wood.
Al Gore's Jet runs on hot air funded by environmental activists.