Because of the increasing fire danger in southwest Colorado, beginning on Saturday, July 1 at 8:00 a.m. Stage II fire restrictions will go into effect in Zone 1, the lower elevation zone of the San Juan Public Lands (San Juan National Forest and Bureau of Land Management -- San Juan Field Office).
Under Stage II fire restrictions, the following acts are prohibited until further notice:
1. Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire, coal or wood burning stove, any type of charcoal fueled broiler or open fire of any type. This includes all developed campgrounds and picnic areas within Zone
2. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building.
6. Operating a chainsaw without a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher of not less than 8 ounces capacity by weight, and one size 0 or larger round pointed shovel with an overall length of at least 36 inches. The extinguisher shall be with the chainsaw operator. The shovel may be kept with the fueling supplies but readily available.
Arizona Fires:
HOSPITAL (600 acres, 0% contained) is burning 20 miles NE of San Carlos on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. The fire is burning in pinon-juniper in rugged terrain. HOSPITAL threatens culturally significant areas, tribal timber sales, and habitat for threatened and endangered species in and along the Blue River. The fire has been wind-driven. Lemuel Juan is Type 3 Incident Commander (IC) assigned, also 3 Type 2 crews, 1 helicopter, 5 engines, 3 water tenders, 83 total personnel. The fire area received some light rain, which helped. Wind speed is still high and is causing some problems on the fireline. The fire will continue moving north, aided by winds and continuous fuels.
WARM (58,300 acres; 5% contained) is burning 3 miles S of Jacob Lake in Kaibab National Forest. Started by lightning, WARM had been managed for wildland fire use and is now being suppressed as of Sunday evening. AZ Hwy. 67 is closed from Jacob Lake to Grand Canyon National Park's North Rim. North Kaibab Ranger District is closed to the public as of this morning. Crews will continue flanking the N and S sides of the fire through burnout operations and will use dozers where feasible. Joe Reinarz's Northern Arizona Type 2 Incident Management Team is assigned, along wtih 6 Type 2 crews, 5 helicopters, 26 engines, 4 dozers, 8 water tenders, 191 overhead, 1 camp crew, 427 total personnel. For more information, call (928)-643-6804, (928)-640-6103, (928)-640-6104. Kaibab National Forest fire information
BRINS (4,317 A.; 65% contained) is 2 miles NE of Sedona in Coconino National Forest. Crews continue securing the fireline, along with mopping up hot spots and rehabilitating firelines. Evacuations are still in effect for some Oak Creek residents and a small section of US Hwy. 89A is still closed. Paul Broyle's Type 1 Incident Management Team is assigned, also 10 Type 1 crews, 8 Type 2 crews, 6 helicopters, 20 engines, 9 water tenders, 201overhead, 4 camp crews, 716 total personnel. For more information, call (928)-226-4601. Coconino National Forest fire information
NAVAJO MOUNTAIN #1 (3,640 A., 80% contained) is in Utah just north of the Arizona line and 35 miles NE of Page. The fire has become more active, making a run toward the communication towers and burning into the head of Horse Canyon. Crews made progress in the upper third of the slope in Horse Canyon with helicopter water drops and crews on the fireline. They are working on clearing the N-S service road to the communication towers and burning out W of the road. Type 3 IC DennisTeller is assigned, also 3 Type 2 crews, 3 helicopters, 1 water tender, 18 overhead, 1 camp crew, 111 total personnel.
WEST WILDLAND FIRE USE (1,925 acres) is burning in Kaibab National Forest about 8 miles SE of Tusayan. Minimal spread is anticipated. WEST has reached the maximum established parameters set for its growth and shows little potential to increase in size. Crews will continue monitoring. For more information, call Jackie Denk at (928)-635-5607. Kaibab National Forest fire information
MAVERICK WILDLAND FIRE USE (295 acres) is burning in the Peloncillo Mountains E of Douglas in Coronado National Forest. The fire is inactive and being monitored. Fore more information, call Marylee Peterson at (520)-388-8343.
BAR WILDLAND FIRE USE (176 acres) is another fire burning in Kaibab National Forest 3 miles W of the junction of Arizona Highway 64 and Forest Road 307. BAR is showing minimal activity. Resources assigned: 1 engine, 4 total personnel. For more information, call Jackie Denk at (928)-635-5607. Kaibab National Forest fire information