The old adage "there is no such thing as bad publicity..."fits here.
Thousands of people in the US and Europe knew about this policy. To even frog march the government leaker would prove fruitless.
No sir. Just having the administration publicly denounce it should be enough. The NYT is a dying paper anyway. It's not even the #1 daily in NYC.
Just an opinion....of course.
What is and could you provide a reference?
Yea , right, let them get away with it..The NYT would have us all killed in their obcession with trying to slander Bush ..They are a leftist/anti American rag ..TRAITORS ..Could it be ANYMORE obvious to you that this is sedition and well beyond opinion and freedom of the press?
Yep.....and we all got 'em!
need that stock price chart.....
"Just an opinion....of course."
Good opinion.
I would go even further and say that when we have even many conservatives that don't understand the difference between classified information and freedom of the press, as well as most liberals, it puts the odds squarely in the NYTs side that the Fed will never go after them.
Most fall for the fallacious argument that slippery slope applies...if the Feds prosecute over this then what is next...our freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of internet...
These MSMs use ignorance, fear, and fallacious arguments to their advantage.
Natalie Maines subscribed to the NYT, but couldn't find the comics...