There is a LOT of misinformation on this thread. The staunchly pro-abortion person in the family was Buffett's wife. She died a couple of years ago or so. She was separated from Warren (and lived on the left coast) for MANY years before that. However, it was MUCH cheaper for Mr. Buffett to finance her with as much money as she could spend rather than divorce her and give her half of it. There is no quesiton that he has supported her causes, but I don't really believe he is as rabid an abortion supporter as the people here are posting. He has already (actually many years ago) said he is not leaving his money to his kids since it would ruin them. I will trust that he has similar sense in other things.
It's disappointing that they're not on my side, politically, but so what? And for those of you who concern yourselves with any potential estate tax evasion, get over it. I'd legally evade any tax I could; reminds me of the old saw about offering a woman $1 million and then $10 to have a little romp. It's all relative.
And by the way, the Gates foundation has provided millions for cancer research, which is in my opinion the best use of exhorbitant wealth.
YEAH....he's a proponent of the ESTATE TAX - a tax he will NOT be paying.....while those with smaller investments, say small business people (including lots of women and minorities) who have started and made successful businesses, but NOT AS SUCCESSFUL as his, WILL pay estate taxes.....