Perhaps this is in the back of Peter King's feeble brain when he demands the Slimes be prosecuted.
This may have been posted...I haven't had a chance to read all of the posts on this thread yet.
All last week, the dems were a laughing stock, because of their foolishness on TV talk shows, (murtha)...and because of the ill-advised amendments that they debated for DAYS...
Also...their opinions on N. Korea were wacky---so,
How about the NYTimes, LATimes (best friends of dems)...thinking WELL, we have been told to keep this secret, but if we announce will take all of the heat off of the dems...and their idiocy.
Also, finding that terrorist cell in Florida played into the Bush Administration's hand of NEEDING these intelligence programs..
So...they expose cover up for dems...and put critisizm on the REps?