You could turn off every combustion engine and coal fired power plant in the world, and the global climate of the Earth would continue to change. Global climate is affected by volcanic gasses and ash, ocean CO2, continental geography, solar output, the cycle of the earth's orbit, the cycle of the earth's axis wobble.
Historically over the life of the planet the Earth has been a much warmer place.
So, let's **suppose** these guys are right, that humans are warming the earth.
WHAT, specifically do they propose we DO, really?
All I hear is crisis mongering.
If humans were cooling the earth, would they be equally alarmed?
Are they really just climatic xenophobes?
Absolutely true: but the issue of pertinence is how much human activities will influence climate change in this and the following centuries, and particularly how these activities might cause climate to change at a rate faster than most natural processes.