Your "straw and spitwad" argument doesn't hold an ounce of water. Sarin and mustard gasses degrade over time, but; 1)the amount of time needed to degrade the effectivness and lethality of any weaponized chemical agent is decades, not ten years, and; 2) It only took three of these rounds to kill over 5000 Kurds.
Separate the warhead from the shell casing, propellant and fuzing mechanism, and you've got a relatively small package which you can transport anywhere in the world. Let's say that the chemical agents have degraded to 50% effectiveness (impossible given the time since production, but let's use a round figure for argument's sake). If someone detonates just two or three rounds in the American city of your choice, imagine the casualties. Now, imagine that someone is able to detonate them in the air, micronizing the agent and dramatically increasing the area and rate of dispersal. And, let's say that they're able to do it with five warheads... or ten... or twenty.
Are you beginning to grasp the seriousness with which the military handles this threat?
I am not arguing the point that Sadam had or didn't have them. I am saying that this is pretty much fodder for the DEMS, sure Sadam had them.. not denying that... but what he had may have bee effective in the early 90's but not today.