1 posted on
06/21/2006 2:38:39 PM PDT by
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To: Scarchin
Rick Santorum press conference on FoxTV now
2 posted on
06/21/2006 2:39:05 PM PDT by
To: Scarchin
Yes, Santorum is on FOX now.
To: Scarchin
500 + chemical munitions found in Iraq per Santorum's statement.
6 posted on
06/21/2006 2:39:51 PM PDT by
To: Scarchin
They are going to dismiss it anyway.
7 posted on
06/21/2006 2:40:16 PM PDT by
(To attack one section of Christianity in this day and age, is to waste time.)
To: Scarchin
Get ready for it ... They're old weapons. They don't count. Bush lied, people died. </sarc>
To: Scarchin
Pre-91? This will be ignored and dismissed by the media, 'cept Fox.
9 posted on
06/21/2006 2:40:28 PM PDT by
(Islamic Terrorists, the Mainstream Media and the Democrat Party Have the Same Goals in Iraq.)
To: Scarchin
Started out quoting Democrats and their No WMD statements in Senate today.
10 posted on
06/21/2006 2:40:28 PM PDT by
To: Scarchin
12 posted on
06/21/2006 2:40:40 PM PDT by
(Support The Commander in Chief in Times of War)
To: Scarchin
Bush lied, Bush lied, Bush lied, Bush lied...
13 posted on
06/21/2006 2:40:47 PM PDT by
Fresh Wind
(Democrats are guilty of whatever they scream the loudest about.)
To: Scarchin
Thank heavens Santorum is coming out with this.
14 posted on
06/21/2006 2:40:55 PM PDT by
To: Scarchin
Santorum reading from an intelligence report regarding over 500 artillery shells found in Iraq.
16 posted on
06/21/2006 2:41:01 PM PDT by
To: Scarchin
LIARS, there is no WMD. Sean Penn told us so.
20 posted on
06/21/2006 2:41:22 PM PDT by
(Serial Hit-N-Run poster)
To: Scarchin
Our government has known more than has made public for quite a long time.
21 posted on
06/21/2006 2:41:23 PM PDT by
(The MSM is "the propaganda arm of our enemies." - Jack Kelly)
To: Scarchin
Why will Fox not let us see the presser?
To: Scarchin
It will be dismissed by the usual suspects. Yawn.
23 posted on
06/21/2006 2:41:30 PM PDT by
(John Edwards is a horses ass.)
To: Scarchin
500 Sarin and mustard gas artillery shells, big deal?
What about the 500 tons of uranium?
29 posted on
06/21/2006 2:42:13 PM PDT by
(The liberal media has picked sides and they've sided with the Jihadists.)
To: Scarchin
Is 500 shells a "stockpile"?
36 posted on
06/21/2006 2:43:21 PM PDT by
(The War on Terrorism is not for the weak.)
To: Scarchin
I'm embarassed to admit this, but I often measure impact from Drudge. So far - nothing. Is this a bust or he really mailing it in these days?
39 posted on
06/21/2006 2:44:26 PM PDT by
To: holdonnow
Call Santorum's office!!!!
54 posted on
06/21/2006 2:48:17 PM PDT by
SE Mom
(Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
To: Scarchin
They can't say "No WMDs" anymore!
55 posted on
06/21/2006 2:48:31 PM PDT by
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