Exactly, her (16 year old girl) family really dodged a bullet...if that girl had made it to the West Bank. IMHO, they might not have got her back.
My God, what a close call-her parents really need to monitor her internet use from now on-I've heard some other horror stories about that myspace, one of them from a neighbor-but nothing as chilling as having a daughter run away to marry into that primitive, woman-abusing culture.
You said -- "Exactly, her (16 year old girl) family really dodged a bullet..."
It doesn't sound like they've dodged the bullet yet. What I read said they were still talking.
Star Traveler
More likely, they would have gotten the entire family "back"
Sana Jinzawi said five other Jericho residents had brought American girls to Jericho in recent years and that all the couples now live in the U.S.