Another FINE response there Mr. FR Pitbull! Nice.
It's one of the first with more than a single thought connected. Of course there's the mandatory insult in there based on purely your opinions, which I'm quite glad to see that you didn't abandon.
But ya know, there's just so much there to chew on and think about, that you'll surely pardon me while I don't post for a while until such a time as I have had sufficient time to simply digest it all.
I must say, I've followed your nonsense for a while now, but today has reached a new height, and I'm very happy to be the one to expose your .... shallow reasoning.
BTW there chief, we ever gonna get your reconciliation of your agreement that there are conflicts between our 1st Amendment and what the Koran, you know, that core book for Muslims, the one that can't be touched by other than muslims for fear of world-wide riots, says as outlined in post #71????
Now I know we're not, but it's fun to ask because your responses are nostalgic. ; )
You can try to reconcile the Constitution all you want, it places no restrictions whatsover on religous freedom. As I said, you're not worthy of the dirt off a Muslim Marine's boots.