However, in reading some of this article, I am reminded of Bush's 2000 campaign promise where he stated that he "wouldn't waste a $10 million dollar missile to kill a $50 camel in a $10 tent" (I am quoting from memory).
Before I get flamed I wish to state that Bush's paradigm, which sounds reminiscent of Paleo philosophy, went out the window on 9/11/01 when we ALL realized just how far the neaderthalic followers of the schizoid, pedophile prophet would go. Instead, it is the Paleo's that 'stayed-the-course' with regards to extreme foreign interventionism, where Bush et al. adapted to this threat. What Bush has/is doing has/is been needed to be done for quite some time. Unfortunately, there are too many vested interests in the Middle East (the wacky Mullahs of Iran, the Fascist Mafia of Syria, the bloated smiling two-faced Saudi Arabians, Turkey's non-help at the beginning of the war, and farther afield the duplicitous Russians and Chinese) to make the Iraq policy a quick turnaround of fortunes.
I think you'll enjoy the read.