"as marriage by all historic, cultural, and (until recently) legal definitions, pertains only to heterosexuals."
Try searching for the word beardache in google, or hijra and if I pull out my anthropology books I'll find some more examples.
Face it, the only people having problems with gay people are christians, jews and muslims... at least it used to be like that untill some of the "hate" rubbed off on other cultures.
Oh... marriage is more or less universal in all cultures.
Wow..... 47 hits -- all of them gay bloggers.
Accepting their fantasies, why would Western culture wish to recognize and then mimic the traditions of mud-dwelling tribes?
As for "hijra", Wiki references "genetically male females" of India... and that's about all.
Nobody is debating the sexual rights of those with Klinefelter syndrome, Marfan, or any such afflicted individuals. Those are anomalies, genetic diseases... not a cultural practice.
The issue is homosexual marriage. If you wish to accuse conservatives such as myself with hate mongering I would suggest you do it on a forum that caters to such leftist "critical thinking" argumentative ploys...