No 9/11 terrorists crossed Canadian border to U.S.
Stephen Brereton
Guest essayist
(April 7, 2006) I am writing in response to the editorial ("The other border") that appeared in the Democrat and Chronicle on April 4, which erroneously stated that "several of the 9/11 hijackers came across the Canadian border into the United States." This is simply not true.
Following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft confirmed that "None of the terrorists from the September 11 carnage came to the United States through Canada." Indeed, the 9/11 Commission report detailed how the hijackers entered the United States with valid U.S. visas and none from Canada.
Since 9/11, Canada has been working closely with the United States to prevent terrorism both around the world and at our common borders. Canada has been singled out by al-Qaeda as one of its targets. That's why Canada has deployed more than 2,200 soldiers to help Afghans rebuild their country and keep it free from terrorists.
At our frontiers, Canada and the United States have developed Integrated Border Enforcement Teams, made up of law enforcement officials at all levels from both countries, to share intelligence on potential threats of terrorism and impede illegal activities, such as smuggling.
There are 15 IBET regions from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts including one in the Niagara area, whose members I meet with regularly and who speak very highly of the on-the-ground cooperation between the two countries.
Perpetuating the myth that the 9/11 hijackers came through Canada distorts reasoned discussion on strengthening security, damaging the mutually beneficial relationships that are so important to the health of communities on both sides of the border.
Canada strongly favors careful analysis of new requirements for passports or passport-like cards for land borders. It is extremely important that we work together to get it right.
Brereton is Canadian consul general whose office is located in Buffalo.
For accurate info on US-CDN security/WOT cooperation:
I suggest you read the 9-11 report. There's a reason that AQ favored Saudis for its plots in the US. Number one was that until September 2002 (yes, a full year after 9-11) Canada was the ONLY western nation to grant visa waiver status to Saudis. The 9-11 Report is FILLED with busted terrorists in the US that came in through the Canadian border some on VALID passports. And those are just the ones that were caught.