Exactly..I am dining on wonderful leftovers from a birthday dinner tonight.
I'm too stupid to know that donuts and other fried foods are unhealthy for me.
I'm too stupid to know that I should not live on cake, cookies, hot fudge sundaes, pies, candy and potato chips alone.
I'm too stupid to know bread can add pounds to the waistline just like pasta and garlic mashed potato topped with bacon bits & sour cream.
I'm too stupid to know Coke, Pepsi and all the other underlings of the beverage world should not replace my intake of water.
(This "I'm stupid to know" research was done without the federal government, corporate donations or little furry animal testing.)
"Exactly..I am dining on wonderful leftovers from a birthday dinner tonight."
what's that?
My mother always told me to leave the table hungry, I took it to mean eat everything on the table and leave it hungry, how can you have leftovers?