If the money system collpses we will be having worse problems. Anybody with gold will have a target painted on his forehead as far as the class of beggars, thieves, and tramps are concerned.
That's why precious metals collectors diversify into brass and lead at some point. :)
If the monetary system collapses, your gold had better be buried deep enough to avoid metal detectors. The Red Guard dug up everyone's yard several feet deep.
Also good to have 10% of it on hand to give to the authorities when they come knocking, so they think they've gotten it all.
Not a bad idea to have diamonds, too, as they will pass through a metal detector as you're fleeing the country!
If the monetary system isn't collapsing just buy GLD through a discount stock broker or YG through a discount commodities broker, and be sure you have a systematic plan for selling before you buy.