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To: pissant
My guess is that the leakers aren't tied to the investigation at all, but going by hearsay.

I think the leakers are being authorized by the Pentagon to stretch the revelations in this story out over a matter of weeks, which is exactly what is happening, to soften the reaction to the details when they are officially released.

A janitor would be worthless as a source if what he says could not be believed or verified by another source. (Notice that most of these sources are saying the same things)

31 posted on 06/01/2006 8:30:42 AM PDT by sinkspur ( Don Cheech. Vito Corleone would like to meet you......Vito Corleone.....)
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To: sinkspur

Try this source: On record

Lieut. Colonel Michelle Martin-Hing, spokeswoman for the Multi-National Force-Iraq, told Time the involvement of the ncis does not mean that a crime occurred. And she says the fault for the civilian deaths lies squarely with the insurgents, who "placed noncombatants in the line of fire as the Marines responded to defend themselves."

Or explain how the WaPo completely screwed up a On Record source: (From Hugh Hewitt):

The Post has been unable to get anyone from the Pentagon on the record on the investigation, using mostly anonymous sources. The one man they did get on the record on Friday was retired Brig. Gen. David H. Brahms, a long-time lawyer with the Marine Corps who has experience with these types of cases. His quote is in the third paragraph. See if you can guess why the prominent first-quote placement:

"When these investigations come out, there's going to be a firestorm," said retired Brig. Gen. David M. Brahms, formerly a top lawyer for the Marine Corps. "It will be worse than Abu Ghraib -- nobody was killed at Abu Ghraib."
I have a feeling someone was lying in wait for an Abu Ghraib reference. I read the quote and was taken aback because I spoke to the same Brig. Gen. David M. Brahms about the case this week, and his sentiments were very different from those presented in the Post. Which explains why he sent me this statement yesterday:

"Recent reporting on the events in Haditha, Iraq have included significant factual errors and/or misleading statements. This includes a quote attributed to me in the Washington Post this morning that was taken completely out of context and its meaning distorted. Many facts that are favorable to the Marines involved have not yet been disclosed."

Your faith in the veracity of the MSM is alarming.

32 posted on 06/01/2006 8:40:31 AM PDT by pissant
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