To: Blue Jays
Not to mention the potential abuse of those remote traffic light changers that emergency vehicles use to turn lights green. An unscrupulous traffic Nazi could sit in a car on a cross street and zap the light green on the cross street and red on the other street to up the number of cars photo ticketed. Now that the downtown Houston lights are all synchronized, it could be done from the comfort of a city workstation causing hundreds of cars at a time to be photo ticketed.
13 posted on
05/31/2006 9:36:36 PM PDT by
To: anymouse
Hi anymouse-
If it's any consolation for the city residents facing lots of increased fines, It's For The ChildrenTM you know.
~ Blue Jays ~
14 posted on
05/31/2006 10:38:36 PM PDT by
Blue Jays
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